Star Kids Clinic is a pediatric medical clinic for children and teens, in Markham, Ontario. We are not currently accepting new patients for ongoing care. We continue to see children on a consultation basis for medical, developmental or mental health problems. All consultations are by referral only.
Referrals are not needed for speech therapy, dietician or counselling services.
Clinic Events
Social Thinking: Helping your Child Interact with Others
Star Kids Clinic, Speech Language Pathologist, Kavita Schaffer presents a one hour workshop on Social Thinking, aimed at parents & caregivers of all children.
Kavita will introduce methods to assist children, preteens, and teenagers with social and communication difficulties understand the perspectives of other people, solve problems in everyday situations (including play), and foster the self-regulation of their emotions. These skills are important to assist children in becoming flexible learners and social problem solvers
Those who can benefit from intervention for Social Thinking: Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD/ADD, Social Communication Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, Down Syndrome, Social Phobia, Social Anxiety, Anxiety, Depression, as well as other developmental delays or special needs – with practice, these skills often improve.
Date & Time: Wednesday August 19 2020, 7pm-8pm EST.
Location: Online event, to be held on Zoom.
Cost: Free
To register, email for the Zoom link.